Emerging Developers Grant
Rolling Application
Start Date:
- Be a non-profit or for-profit development entity
- Have completed at least two and no more than five commercial or mixed-use projects of similar scope
- Have at least 51% ownership of the proposed project
- Have site control (deed) of the project at the time of application
- Have a current Tax Clearance certificate
- No more than 5 employees at the time of application
- Cannot have already started construction on the proposed project
Eligible Costs: 50% of eligible predevelopment soft costs and costs unrelated to any construction activity are eligible for reimbursement under this program, including:
- Architectural and design fees
- Construction drawings and specifications
- Engineering fees and surveys
- Municipal zoning and Inspection fees
- Insurance costs
- Professional fees, legal fees, accounting fees, and project management fees
- Market/feasibility study
- Appraisal
- Phase I environmental review
- Property taxes (must be current)
- Loan interest (if applicable)
- Utilities
You will receive up to $250,000 to cover eligible pre-development soft costs.