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New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program – Combined Heat & Power - Fuel Cells

Rolling Application


Start Date:


  • CHP or Waste Heat to Power projects must achieve an annual system efficiency of at least 60% (Higher Heating Value - HHV), based on total energy input and total utilized energy output
  • FC systems must achieve an annual electric system efficiency of at least 40% (HHV) based on Net Useful Electric Power plus Net Useful Thermal Production (if any) divided by the Total Fuel Input at HHV


  • No more than $4.5M in new incentive commitments can be made towards ≥40% Fuel Cells during Fiscal Year 2023
  • Of the $4.5M, no single prime mover manufacturer can qualify for a total of $1.5M in incentives for qualifying ≥40% Fuel Cells equipment
  • Natural gas, hydrogen, biogas, and mixed fuel (such as, natural gas and biogas) CHP-FC equipment installed on the customer side of the utility meter is eligible for incentives
  • 100% renewable fueled projects, including biogas and landfill gas-fueled projects which meet CHP program criteria, are also eligible to receive incentives

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